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9:52 a.m. - 2004-05-14
Gimme boredom
Never be gratefull for a dull life. it just invites trouble.

The truck is back together, but now has a new shimmy at 70. so Im not allowed to drive it till pooks can look at the alignmnet. poo.


In other news there are job changes on the horizon, as most of the company got voluntary RIF letters. No word yet on how many are going to run like bunnies but the saladbar is out of carrots.


I SWEAR I thought I had another month to deal with war prep.... but I dont so things about where im camoing have come to a head. But Plan B is taking shape quickly, and Plan A still isn't completely out yet.


Still need to clean the pavilion for Sapphire, have some sewing to do as well.


Rupert got the consolation prize and really ... he is the only one I'm happy with having it, not that anyone wait they DID! *grin*.


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