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10:36 a.m. - 2004-05-19
Well for those of you that were wondering (read both) yes the Cicadas have hit at the house.

This really isn't much new to me, KY they have cicadas more or less constantly, 2 7 and 10 year varities. but this my friends is UNREAL.

They sound like the beginning of a modem handshake, nad while we dont have many in our yard, the lots to the front and both sides have been there long enough. If you look under the low leaves on the trees the shells are there by the dozens. Ugly things, wonder if they would make shelac? and so they sing, and grow. They don't seem to be eating much though. The holes are all over in between the rains, and rain seems ot be the only thing that shuts them up :).

In other bug related news, no lightning bugs this year, no one so far. Must have headed for the border.


Pooks parrents come this weekend and my Mom comes June 8th. So along with the various SCA doings going on the house is getting scoured. We need to do the traditional 'porn' sweep in a couple of days. If you do it too early you defeat the purpose, cause stuff does accumulate :) The 'porn' sweep BTW is where we go through the house and hide everything we dont want parents to see, mostly NOT porn, but various comics, pavilions, cars, gaming systems, various junk, and most of the TPB and Manga :)


Work is still being a bear, lots of changes in the works and none of them sonding good. But change is good .....right?


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